May the light shine on.

K´anchay, you were born here under the chimney in our little house on 20 – 01 – 2020 together with your 5 other completely black brothers and sisters the day before Inti was shot. The times that followed would change my life in tremendous ways.

You were the odd kitten, that wanted to stay with me, the one that had some funny long white hairs on your back. You were a bit of a loner. We had already entered the time of famous C**** quarantine when I had found homes for the others and you were the one that did not want to leave the house at all. You were uncatchable. Your mom was somehow not happy with your stay, she always rejected you a bit. It was heartbreaking at times. I asked you for your name and heard: K´anchay (light in Quechua) and I remember thinking, what a weird name. I then remember the download I received afterwards of you being the predecessor of my beloved dog Inti (Sun in Quechua). More about that in that blog post.

Since Inti´s death I had been walking in a lot of darkness, embracing all the medicine that it brought forward, all the healing, every sun ray. I don’t judge it, I am a Scorpio, I am the walker in the night in Mayan and I had so strongly prayed to heal myself. I chose this path myself - and you walked it so magically with me. The sun returned step by step into my heart and life, whilst I kept and keep healing my past, the past of my ancestors – personally and collectively.

K’anchay, you were so stubborn, every time I came home you started crying so loudly and persistently that it even annoyed me. It took some time to understand that you wanted me to be in the present moment, to sit down first of all, connect with home and calmness before carrying on with whatever needed to be done. You so often lay on that part of body, which felt in pain. You and your mum were always present when I sat down in front of my altar space, you both were always present when I played music, when was creative. I sometimes thought you must be the most surrendered and love seeking cat in the world. Whilst writing now, I hear you purr silently, I feel you but I also smell the pain of your suffering that last few days.

Around two years later the universe brings me a strong reminder of the events that happened two years ago. Over the last two months the movie “Groundhog day” has become a reality in my life in so many unbelievable ways that it made it hard breathing at times: same people, same situations, same places, same connections, same lessons … just in a more compressed form. The universe came to teach me the same lesson again and to ask whether I was ready to embrace now, what is awaiting me?

When the events started repeating themselves my little kitten Nala ( I found out, that it means “present” in Swahili) started a fight of life and death, prayers every night for her survival until the next day, whilst I was emotionally living parallel the repeating pain of 2020.

And on Saturday, 26th March I saw my black cat K´anchay sitting at my window looking like a ghost … sooo terribly sick. The vet didn´t give me many chances but I tried and prayed and realized that groundhog time was also repeating itself here. K´anchay, my light in the darkness, wanted to leave, he was suffering too much. I had felt it coming: that I would need to choose for his pain relief and when I was at the veterinarian I closed my eyes and bathed ourselves in tears and then I felt streams and streams of golden light running all over us. He was lying so calmly in my arms, I felt the oneness of our connection, of our hearts. Suddenly so many animals appeared in front of my inner eye, so much light, I felt so much welcoming love and in front of all of them was my dog Inti - beautiful, shining and strong as always - welcoming K´anchay to come over. And off he went, he left with no pain, with no sorrow or judgement. The vet´s heartfelt work was only something with K´anchay´s body. I knew his spirit wasn´t there anymore.

“Katja, my lesson with you is done. The light has gone out, I have guided you through the pain, I have taken some of your pain. Your death is my death. Your rebirth is my rebirth. My suffering is gone; your suffering will fade. Bury your pain together with my pain. I am light, you are light, we are eternal light. United in love and peace.”  

May your light shine on, within me and us, all around us. Thank you for sharing this journey with me, my brother, master and friend. I love and honour you.

Urubamba, on the foot of Apu Pumahuanca 1 – 4- 2022


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